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One of my favorite diapers to use when we began cloth diapering our first child was the one-size bumGenius 3.0…
I used to believe that sleep is a necessity, but I’ve come to believe that it is a luxury reserved…
After more than six-months of being fully day trained and mostly night trained my daughter is suddenly having a relapse…
Nearly two years ago I undertook the 31 Day Financial Challenge I found on The Simple Dollar. I decided it…
When I read The Money Saving Mom post about developing a morning routine I felt the desire to develop one…
I had almost completely forgotten about the imminent publication of the next chapter in the Temeraire saga until just days…
This past Sunday we dedicated our son. Our church doesn’t baptize infants but we do dedicate them. Basically, we are…
I never got around to reviewing this book after I read it last year. I have to say sadly, I…
My daughter is attendingVacationBibleSchoolfor the first time this week. While she has gone to the Moppets program at our local…
I was recently reminded about a piece of wisdom given to me several years ago. If I do what I…