

Goal: 6 Fit2B routines in 6 days for just 20+ minutes

20 minutes doesn’t sound like very long. It some ways it isn’t long. But it can still be difficult to find 20 uninterrupted minutes to focus on exercise.


Bag a Better Back

This was a tough one for me this week. I probably should have used less weight and in fact I did lower the weight at one point, but I probably should have brought it further down. I did my best to engage my core, but I probably over taxed myself in places. I was irritated at myself and my lack of progress so I may have pushed myself a bit too much with this one. But the beauty of these “bag” workouts is that you really can adjust the weight to your abilities.


Basic Aerobics IV

Basic Aerobics IV is one of my favorites in no small part because of the addition of weights. It’s got the same fast paced but doable choreography as in Basic Aerobics II & III plus the nice extra difficulty added on.


Jump Change

I heavily modified this workout, since I know that my core was a bit weak right now. I did side planks instead of full planks and made sure I was fully engaging my core with each movement. That said, while it did get my heart pumping, it’s just not a favorites.


Insane II

I was pretty worried about trying this workout. It’s been years since I attempted it. But it wasn’t actually as awful as I remembered. It’s definitely challenging and I had to be continually aware of honoring my core’s current state, but I was still able to do the whole workout. There is no doubt this routine will push you but it is insane in name only.


Wood Floor Workout

This is an usual workout. It’s definitely not like anything else on Fit2B. It works my muscles in a way that is unlike anything except when I take a good ballet class. The natural resistance produced by the floor and yet the control needed to prevent too much slippage makes this harder than it looks (but in a good way).

I did not get all the way through the first time I attempted this workout because as soon as I lay down on my back, my 20 month old son thought it would be funny to jump on my core. But I was able to come back and finish up after I put him in the high chair.



This workout kicked my butt (pun totally intended). It’s been a while and this is an old favorite. I was excited to do it, but once you hit that 20 minute mark the chances of repeated interruption by small children go up exponentially. But I did manage to get through it and I look forward to coming back to it. I find this to be an easy workout to maintain good core engagement while still picking up the pace and making it a more difficult cardio routine.

This was a week of feeling accomplished. While I didn’t love every workout this week, overall I was pleased with how I felt. I was able to engage, modify at times and overall workout strong and in good alignment. I know from here things are about to bump up in length and intensity. I’m going to try very hard to carry this confidence (and good sense of healthy limits) into Week 4 of 6 X 6.

Week 4

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