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Yesterday I cried when I read about a woman who delivered her son, still born at 31 weeks. I cried because for the first time in a while I grieved for the baby I lost almost two years ago. Last year I delivered a healthy baby boy right around the same time. So it’s all muddled together in my head. I can see and hold two of my children, but there is another one (boy or girl, I don’t know) who I won’t meet until heaven. I cried and totally freaked out my daughter who let me hug her tight and tell her I love her. I nursed my son and kissed his cheeks over and over again. I kept staring at the willow tree figurine my husband bought me on our lost baby’s due date. I miss him. I wonder if he would have looked like his siblings, if he would have had much hair at birth, how his laugh would have sounded. Would he have been a good sleeper, an early walker?

I miss him.