
Proverbs 31:25
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come
(New International Version, courtesy of Bible Gateway.com)

I love that this challenge ends with the focus off of me. How am I dressing in light of the one who made me beautiful? I am beautiful because of him, do I reflect that in my attitude, my face and my speech? This challenge wasn’t easy for me. I know that I need to be clothed in strength and dignity in addition to any else I might put on.

Inspiration I’ve Imbibed

I am a child of the king and this means that my dignity is innate, but I can decide whether I want to appropriate it for myself. How I dress is part of this. Whether I respect myself enough to be conscious of what I wear, but not allow it to diminish me. But also that I realize that how I speak and act also dress me in dignifty.

Strength is a hard one for me. I’ve never felt like a very strong person. But yet I’ve gone through much and I’m still here. I think the hard part for me to accept about being clothed in strength as that it too is part of me. I just need to pray for the insight to tap into that strength, to become more aware of it in times of difficulty.

Challenges I’ve Accepted

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this challenge. I know that it has changed me in ways that I certainly didn’t expect.

I will keep getting dressed, in ways that benefit the daughter of the king; with dignity and modesty. I will try to go through my days reminded of the strength I have and to keep my eyes of Jesus. I want to sparkle or be humble when appropriate. I want to encourage others rather than impress them.  I hope this journey has helped you find out more about yourself as well. Keep dressing yourself, both in clothes appropriate to the day, but also in strength and dignity.


Week 1 : Join the Challenge

Week 2: Know Your Why

Week 3: Dress Differently, Act Differently

Week 4: Prophesy Hope Through Accountability

Week 5: Make the Decision

Week 6: Find Your “Earrings”

Week 7: Focus Your Eyes

Week 8: A Moment of Silence for Showers

Week 9: Roll Up Your Sleeves

Week 10: Discipline

Week 11: Too Tired to Get Dressed

Week 12: Dressing in Freedom

Week 13: Is Being “Cute” Biblical?

Week 14: Imperishable Beauty

Week 15: For the Fun of It

Week 16: Fighting the Lure of Cozy

Week 17: A Quiet Spirit

Week 18: Modesty, It’s Not What You Think

Week 19; Beautiful, Artful, You
