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I love lists. Seriously I have them everywhere. Sometimes it’s the only way I feel like I can get my brain organized. I’ve used word documents, apps (though I still haven’t found one I like) and old fashioned legal pad and paper. The problem is my lists are never ending. Once a item is finished another item takes it’s place and there is never a feeling of completion. So the idea behind this chapter, The Six List, is appealing. If I only got six things done each day, what would they be? How would it feel knowing that I actually accomplished the items I wanted for once? Looks like I’m about to find out. Even if you haven’t been following me as I work my way through 31 Days to Clean, this would be a great challenge to join.

Mary Challenge

Print out the Six List and use it for six days straight. Put the items in order of priority and then do them in that order throughout the day. Whatever you don’t finish goes on the next days list.

Love this. I always have a list of things for each day, but they are usually too long and discouraging. But if I can get the top six each day, I’d probably have a better sense of accomplishment in my life. I’ll note that I’d like at least two of the items on my list to be quantifiable, meaning not maintenance tasks like dishes or laundry that always have to be redone. They should be once and done items that I can check off and forget.

Martha Challenge

Clean out and organize all of your cabinets

I’ve been dreading this one. I think I knew it was coming somehow. I hate my cabinets. They are too small, too awkward and always crowded. I’ve organized them before and invariably I still end up with things falling out on my head within a week or two. So this isn’t just about organizing the cabinets, but being able to maintain them that way.

So we’ll see how this week goes. Hopefully the Six List becomes a new habit that helps my life move more smoothly.


31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House the Mary Way

Why Clean?: 31 Days to Clean

Created to Give Life: 31 Days to Clean

10 Ways to Give Life to Your Home: 31 Days to Clean

A Place to Put Your Feet Up: 31 Days to Clean

Priorities: 30 Days to Clean
