
These workouts were definitely a little tougher on me. But I made up for it choosing short, easy and relaxing for the end of the week.
Basic Aerobics IV

This is the first time in a while that I’ve done this workout with weights. It is definitely more challenging that way. But I still really enjoyed it.
Kelly’s Wall Workout

This is one of he shortest workouts on Fit2B but it manages to fit some nice movements into that time.
Basic Step Aerobics I

I’m really beginning to like step aerobics. I like that it’s a little faster moving, but not so complicated that I can’t keep up. I enjoy the cardio as well as knowing that adding that extra step is going to build more strength in my legs.
Ultimate Upper Body

This was a tough one for me. I forget how difficult it can feel when I’m out of shape. I definitely had to sit for it and I wasn’t able to do many of the additional lower body movements.

Short, full body, tummy safe. What more could you ask for in a workout?It even works great if you don’t have a ball for the foot work.

Face & Neck Yoga

Core Wake Up

I really enjoyed doing both of these and I would like to fit them into my routine regular. I appreciate the fast work for my core and helping to release the tension in my neck ad head. Short workouts don’t always feel like they make a difference. But in this case, consistency definitely beats intensity.
I was pretty upset to discover that my abdominal separation is still at a 3. (I can’t tell if it’s actually deep or just layers of fat I have to push through to get to it) The good news is that above and below the navel I’m shallow and very narrow. But I have been fighting that DR at the navel since my son was born, and it feels like I’m still not making much progress despite splinting for months, (though I’m not anymore) doing my best to remember to keep my core engaged. I guess it’s time to pull out my Tummy Team handouts and start setting reminders on my phone.


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If you need a little more help; rehab rather than just fitness, check out The Tummy Team.