As a mom, it can be very difficult to prioritize your own health. There have definitely been times since I became a mom that I have neglected myself, due to lack of time or energy. But it doesn’t have to stay that way!

Any of you who have been reading my blog for a while know how much I love this fitness site, Fit2B Studio. I tell people about it in the park and the grocery store. Because as a mom, it has made exercise fit into my life instead of my life having to revolve around finding time for fitness.

This has been especially fantastic for the last six months. I have always had trouble getting outside to exercise in the cold months we have here in the Northeast. Between the cold winters, and rainy spring and fall, that seem to almost immediately give way to the heat of summer, I’ve never been able to depend on the outdoors for my fitness.

But I’ve also been a stay at home and homeschool mom since the beginning. Running to the gym while my kids are at school has never been an option and joining a gym was never in our budget. That’s when I discovered Fit2B Studio.

With hundreds of workouts at all different levels and lengths, there is literally something for everyone. There are even kids’ workouts which we use as part of our homeschool phys-ed.

Now I consider my subscription (I opted for the Premium membership which locks in my yearly renewal rate) to be a priority for maintaining my mental and physical health. Here are some of the primary reasons why I keep renewing year after year.

I Don’t Have to Leave the House

When my kids were small, any outing required hours if not days of planning. Even if I’d had the budget for a gym membership, the idea of packing up all the kiddos and hauling them with me was totally unappealing.

With Fit2B Studio, I can fit a workout in whenever I have time. I can change into my fitness gear or I can just wear my regular clothes or pajamas. I can fit it in while dinner cooks (there’s actually a Kitchen Moves routine) or while the kids are getting ready for bed. Whether I get up early, stay up late or try to get a workout in during a free moment during the day, it’s just a few steps and a couple clicks away.

There is Always a Workout for Me

Whether I’m feeling down, physically or emotionally, or I have tons of energy, there is always a Fit2B workout that fits the bill. I can sweat it out lifting weights or doing step aerobics, or opt for calming yoga or stretching.

With workouts of all different lengths, I can squeeze in something from the 5 Minute Series or take on a nice long yoga routine. Time and energy are never a reason not to workout with so many options.

I Never Get Bored

I like routine in my fitness but if I get bored, that’s the kiss of death. I need to feel like I’m being challenged without injuring myself. Fit2B and founder, Beth Learn are always coming out with new workouts. Check out her huge and amazing new project, The Color Series! I have found so many new favorites in this series and I love all the amazing thought Beth has put into it.

Health Over All

Beth is always about health and wholeness first, emotionally, mentally, and physically. She motivates without tearing you down. Fit2B’s unique tummy-safe fitness style makes sure that you aren’t doing damage while you try to get into better shape. Beth’s focus through all her workouts is that we want to be strong enough for the life we want, not so broken by our workouts that we can barely get through the day.

Community Support and Encouragement

One of the unsung heroes of the Fit2B platform is the Facebook group. This is where members (both current and former) share their concerns, frustrations, challenges, and victories.

These amazing women (and a few men too) help keep each other on track and extend grace and encouragement in all areas of health and fitness. Whenever I feel like I want to give up, this is the place I go to remind me why I exercise to begin with.

If you aren’t sure yet, check out the free 21 Tone Up. It’s a full-body cardio workout that doesn’t require any equipment or even much space. It’s one of my favorites.

(You can get an additional $10 off anything if you use the code REFXH2AAFEGC2 or 30% off an Annual or Premium Membership with the code laundryblog).

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