
Welcome to Bethanyvitaro.com!

After seven years (I still can’t believe it’s been that long) of blogging at The Laundry Blog, I decided it was time for a transition. Like the tagline says I’ll be posting my honest thoughts on writing, family, faith and a few other miscellaneous topics. (Fitness is a big one but didn’t sound quite so pithy in a caption). Blogging looks quite different than it did when I first started seven years ago. Social media platforms have exploded. Much of what we do as bloggers has become less about the words we write and more about SEO (Search Engine Optimization, for the uninitiated) and social media sharing.

I’ve changed too. We’ve added two more children to our little family and have decided to call it done. I published a book. (My husband did too!) We were finally able to move to a new house to accommodate our growing family. Our children are wonderfully unique (as all children are), each with their own sets of challenges that regularly throw us for a loop. My faith has been stretched and strengthened as well. This is a place where I can talk over all of those things and write down the words that, hopefully, someone else needs to hear.