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The inevitable is not a topic I like very much. Mostly because I know we aren’t that prepared for it….
About a month ago CBS Eye on Parenting did a report comparing disposable diapers and cloth diapers. Unfortunately the coverage…
I recently read an article about a hospital in Boulder, Colorado seeking to become the first zero waste hospital in…
There is nothing more crucial to your finances than keeping good records. For the first seven years of our marriage…
While it has been taking me much longer than a month to actually go through all of the steps of…
Trent covers four important ways of dealing with your credit cards and their associates balances and interest rates. I won’t…
I really wish I had something to actually evaluate in this step. We have a virtually non-existent entertainment budget. We…
The recent article by Erica Jong in the Wall Street Journal titled Mother Madness has produced responses in every corner…
I started reading Baby Blues when I was in college. I’m not exactly sure how it started, but I remember…
In my particular situation, this step was almost pointless. So much so that I’m not even going to devote a…