As Americans, there is a reputation we have throughout the world. It may be unfair but it still exists. We…
When times are hard, for many of us the easiest reaction is to withdraw. We kind of circle the wagons…
I remember when my husband got his dream job last year. It was more money than we ever thought was…
In a recent sermon, I heard a guest speaker made this point. “Generosity from a selfless heart multiplies itself, prospers…
We’ve been talking about extravagant generosity and while I believe many of us need to grow in this area, some…
I’ve been thinking a lot about what it really means to be generous. But the part I keep getting stuck…
When I was in the first year of my marriage, my husband lost his job. My best friend, herself still…
If you’ve been reading my series this month, I hope you are feeling inspired to find ways in your own…
It seems that nothing is done in secret these days. Everything from our political views to our bathroom habits is…
Yesterday there was a thick envelope in my mailbox. It was a card with a single line “Be Encouraged” with…