One of the things I love most about being a naturally creative person is the insight that it gives me into God. Aside from childbirth, there is little else in the world that allows human beings to experience the creator aspect of God than to make art. I love that God is creative, making us in all shapes, sizes and colors. The natural world is filled with seemingly endless opportunity for beauty and yet the desire to create is written into our DNA.

When I express the creative part of myself whether it be in writing, in dance or even fabric and yarn arts (that’s sewing, knitting, crocheting and the like) I create something seemingly from nothing.

I bring into existence that which did not yet exist. It is holy work and should not be taken lightly. Click To Tweet

Art can feel like an indulgence, especially in a world where there is so much suffering. It feels like an unfair luxury that I have the privilege of bringing beauty into a world where others know so much pain. Yet, beauty is essential. If it were not, the world would be black and white, and human beings born without the ability or desire to ponder it further.

We were made to care if the world is attractive and our minds made capable to see it’s wonder, even within the chaos. To make art is at it’s very core to acknowledge that we were made for more than this, humanity was created for more than the harsh realities of this life.

In those moments of artistic expression the veil between earth and heaven grows thin and we are able to glimpse the beauty of Eden. Click To Tweet

All humans have this ability, not just those who call ourselves artists. We may function in different mediums, but we are all fashioners of beauty and if we let it, those creations can help link us to the Creator. The divine artist who designed men and women after himself, and became one of us to ennoble us, even in our imperfection. He calls us all to apprentice with him and seek to make the world more beautiful.


Day 4: More Than Wishful Thinking