
Photo Credit: Plant Image Library via Compfight cc

Three days ago I read about the Blog Like a Pro: 7-Day Challenge with Jeff Goins. I recently started reading one of his books, and this seemed a great way to breath some new life into my blogging habit. That being said, this is a crazy week with school for the kids, my son’s fourth birthday party and final rehearsals for a Palm Sunday dance at our church. But I decided to attempt it anyway.

Because I feel passionate about sharing the truth in this space, whether it be about parenting, faith, writing, exercise or the best reusable products. (Who knew my foray into more frugal, greener living would produce some of my most popular posts?) I want to be an encouraging voice and safe place, even when I don’t have all the answers.

If you’d like to join, jump on board today , grab today’s prompt and get writing.

Know What You’re About: Blog Like a Pro 7-Day Challenge Day 1