Sometimes it all feels like too much.

But that’s ok because I wasn’t meant to carry all of this alone. It means saying yes and thank you to dinner from a friend when my instinct is to say “that’s so kind, but you don’t have to.”

It means learning to live with imperfection and underachieving at times when keeping the ship afloat is more important than everything being perfect and pretty.

Packing away my superhero cape yet again and sharing the load with those around me who want to help but are only waiting to be asked.

Taking an afternoon for myself when I have far too much to do, because if I don’t do something I enjoy and give myself a moment to breathe I won’t be of much use to anyone.

When Jesus said that his yoke was easy and his burden was light, he didn’t mean that the work would go away, but that when we are yoked with him, he carries the load with us and teaches us how to endure.

This is the time of year (Lent) when we take the time to remember and recognize the life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. But also to remember that because of that resurrection, I never have to carry my burdens alone again.