
Those few hours when both children are sleeping and I’m still awake. An uninterrupted conversation with my husband. I want to learn to cherish the noise as well as the quiet. The times when the house seems so small, its rooms full to bursting and the din so loud that I can’t find words. Those are the times I know I will miss someday. Right now I feel as though these days of crumbs and clutter will never end, but I know they will. I see how fast the last three years have gone. How our cozy little house with its love bird occupants has become a bustling family home filled with chaos and mayhem.
I resist the urge to tell my daughter to stop singing loudly. Why shouldn’t she? I let the baby throw lego blocks on the floor. I add some music or Adventures in Odyssey to the background when the cacophony threatens to drown out my best intentions. I choose to cherish rather than wish away these sacred days of spit up and tantrums. Now if I could just find a way to get through this laundry.