I finished dinner but I found I wanted something more. Something sweet maybe. I riffled through the cupboards and as I did so I remembered, I’m fasting sugar again.
This is the fourth or fifth year that I joined with Wendi Speake and thousands of others across the country in the 40 Day Sugar Fast.
I look forward to is and yet I don’t. Because I know it’s good for me, and there is freedom is just saying no for a while. Even though I could argue that sugar occasionally is ok, and that I’m not going to be sugar free for life.
For years I avoided the idea of fasting sugar. I’d fasted lots of other things over the years but I didn’t want to give up sugar. I told myself it was because I didn’t have to. Then I thought maybe I couldn’t. But in the end it was because I wouldn’t that made me realize that I should.
Now I don’t get the feeling of panic of being without sugar but it still makes me feel a kind of sad. I miss a midafternoon sweet snack, sharing ice cream with my husband after dinner or sharing someone’s homemade baked goods at work. (I’ve just now realized that there are going to be some amazing homemade French treats at my kids’ midyear program next week which I won’t be eating.)
But I’m also expectant. Because I’m learning to be satisfied without it and there is such freedom in that. We had tacos last night and I loaded up my plate with lettuce, tomato, ground beef, beans, cheese and avocado. I almost forgot about dessert because my body’s need was satisfied with a full, healthy meal.
The whole point of the 40 Day sugar fast is to be satisfied in God, his presence and his word instead of what this world has to offer. If it takes less to satisfy me will there be more room to grow?
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