So it’s not Saturday but it’s still February so I’m hopping onto this month’s train a little late. But for some very good reasons!

How is it the end of February already? January felt like it was more of a year than a month and suddenly we’re almost in March. (I realize February is a shorter month but the perception of how short it is by comparison still doesn’t track.)

While it hasn’t been a terrible winter, we’ve gotten closer to a normal amount of snow this year and the temps have stayed cold enough to keep it on the ground for days or weeks at a time. While last week I would have said that I was enjoying winter, this week I am very much ready for spring.


BIG NEWS! Our Home addition is finally finished! Ok, there are a million little tasks to do like filling nail holes and panting trim here and there, but the contractors are officially done and we’ve had our final inspection. I’m probably most excited to move into our new closets because we are well overdue for a good purge (especially my husband) and he’s promised that we won’t just move things in, we’ll actually make decisions and pare down as we go. As someone who was literally digging through her drawers this morning trying to find necessary undergarments, I can’t wait to reorganize my dresser and closet with some new dividers and make use of the Kalax closet tower we built in my new closet. (Did I mention I have my own closet now? Theoretically my husband does too but I may end up stealing some of his as well.)


As we are moving into our new home addition, it’s amazing to see how much we’ve accomplished. We first had the idea of adding onto our home two years ago. A year ago, after talking to multiple contractors we decided to work with a local design build firm, FD Design. We finally broke ground in early October of 2023 and the contractors finally finished last week! We ended up painting the walls and installing the flooring ourselves, to save money.
During that time we weathered a job transition (and probably have another coming in the next month or so) and plenty of the usual stress of raising our wild brood of special kiddos. There is still so much to do and yet it feels great to look back at all we’ve already done.

Improved Upon

I love to put in place new systems and habits but it’s hard to make time and get these things to stick in my daily life. But thanks to us finally moving into our new bedroom, I completely reorganized my dresser. Having a new closet has changed how and wear I store things. We are still figuring out exactly what kind of storage we need in our new bathroom and I’ve even been figuring out what my morning routine should look like now. In the end this will all hopefully be very helpful.


I’m noticing my rhythms more. The way I get very excited and work too hard and then I crash. How I need to build rest and enjoyment into my life and not just wait for special occasions. Sometimes I may have to wait for things, but it’s better to have some kind of plan for how long I’m going to wait (for example: until I’ve saved up X number of dollars, or until the month of June). I’m trying to let this information inform how I plan and how I live.

As we head into March, which is traditionally one of the busiest months of year, I find myself eager. A little bit anxious about all that there is to do but I’m just so excited to finally be moving into our addition that I’m actually looking forward to it all.