After the holidays at the end of last year and a difficult start to this year, I’ve struggled with my health and exercise goals. Sugar continues to be a problem, but I seem to have begun building a better exercise habit. I have begun getting up early again, though most mornings I loath the actual getting up I am enjoying getting my workout (and sometimes even my shower) in before the children.
I’ve worked my way through nearly all the pathways on Fit2B in the past, so for the last few months I’ve been focusing on increasing my weight training. (If you haven’t yet checked out the Weightlifting 101 workout, definitely give it a try). But it’s also a struggle not to neglect cardio. I’m toying with the idea of taking up running again, because I felt good when I was running regularly (though not while I was actually running) . But I also know I need a goal in order for that to happen.
But I’m starting March with a more abstract fitness goal.
Workout everyday for at least 30 minutes.
What? That sounds crazy right? But I’ve been doing nearly that for the last month and I feel pretty good.
My basic schedule is dividing the five weekdays between cardio and weights/resistance training. Some weeks it’s 2 cardio 3 weights other weeks it’s the other way around. On Saturdays I opt for yoga or Pilates and Sunday is strictly a stretching or relaxing workout.
This may sounds like a lot, because it is, but it’s also a doable goal for me. I’m still struggling with my sugar cravings but I’ve always had an easier time controlling my exercise rather than my diet. I realize I need to do both. I don’t beat myself up for the days I miss, I just pick things up again the next day.
Here is a sample schedule:
Weightlifting 101
Basic Step Aerobics II
Defining Deltoids
Kelly Dean’s Total Body Workout
Hold It
Shoulder Stretches and Neck Routine
Weightlifting 101
Tabata Kick and Squat
Tabata Ball Workout
Basic Step with Weights
5 Minute workouts combo
PMS Workouts
If you need to start slower, or don’t have the time for 20-30 minute workouts, try something like this.
Big (Little) Band Workout
Kelly’s Core Cardio
Kelly’s Band Workout
The Walking Workout
Ankles and Upper Body
Warrior Workout
Neck Routine
Basic Aerobics II
Ultimate Upper Body
Basic Aerobics III
Insane Upper Body
Basic Aerobics IV
Shoulder Stretches
For the next couple of weeks I’ll check in and tell you how my workouts are going, and what kind of results I’m seeing.
Feel like joining me for a 31 Day Exercise Challenge? You don’t have to use Fit2B Studio (though if you’ve been reading my blog long enough you know how much I love them.) You can go for walks, try a Couch to 5K, or pretty much anything else. The point is to do SOMETHING every day for 31 Days.
Are you with me?
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