We’re less than a week before Christmas and over halfway through the month of December. I’ll be transparent with you all, I’ve been eating a lot of cookies and other snacks. I’m trying not to buy into the idea that the exercise equals out all those less than healthy choices. But I also know that exercise is good for me, and this isn’t the time of the year to neglect all of the good things I do for myself. So I’m still trying to fit exercise in.

Neck Routine

Intending to this last week, I snuck it in this week and it was worth the extra effort. I often find myself working bits of this routine naturally into my days, especially when I’ve been at my computer a lot. It really helps to reduce the stiffness and tension. Even though I told myself I didn’t have to make up workouts, I did let myself carry the neck routine over from last week. I wanted to make sure I was doing enough stretching routines during this fun but stressful time of the year.

Basic Aerobics III

Another of my great long-time favorites and easy to fit in anywhere. It’s a solid 15 minutes of cardio and full body work. No excuse for skipping this one.

Dumb Bell Workout & Quad Burn

Yay for new workouts! Quad Burn is brand new and the Dumb bell workout is a refilm of an older workout I’ve never actually done. Both were great. I can never get enough short weights routines so I’ll definitely be coming back to this one. Quad burn was not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. It worked my Quads well, but I don’t think I’ll be sore tomorrow.

21 Tone Up

Although it’s slightly longer than 15 minutes, I wanted to anchor this week with a solid full body workout and this felt like the best choice. I love that it packs a great workout into such a short period of time, but the intervals keep it from getting too intense in any one position or movement. (Also, if you aren’t a member of Fit2B Studio yet, no worries, this one is free!)

5 Minute Thighs, 5 Minute Arms, 5 Minute Pilates

We had a crazy couple of days getting ready to travel and I kind of went off plan, but I still wanted to get as much exercise in as I could, enter the random 5 minute combos. Fit2B has a whole line of 5 Minute workouts which can be combined in any number of ways.(Be forewarned, this combo is really more like 20 minutes because the 5 Minute Thighs only does one leg, then you repeat it for the other).

And that’s all for this week. Wait, I missed 2 days! Yep, I was traveling and I thought I could workout en route, and it just didn’t happen. I did some squats and calf raises while I brushed my teeth. I loaded and unloaded the car, twice. I still consider it a pretty good week since it’s the middle of the holiday rush for our family.

But I’m not giving up. I’m still shooting for those 15 minutes a day.

How are your holiday exercise goals going?


If you’d like to learn more about my go-to fitness site Fit2B Studio you can find out more here. If you’d like to purchase a course or membership you can use my coupon LAUNDRYBLOG to get 30% off a membership or the code REFWUORZVCG4H to get $10 off a purchase.


Give yourself the gift of a healthy holiday and head into the New Year fit for the life you want.


Give the gift of beautiful strength with Fit2B