We had our first school orientation last night and it took me back. As we entered the church basement, I was reminded of the Christian school where I attended for Kindergarten through 8th grade. For me it was a great experience, but not one that we’ve chosen for our own children.

We have been homeschooling for five years and this is the first time we’ll be trying something new. It’s weird when your kids are 10, 7 and 3 to be going to your first back to school night. But that’s what we were doing.

We’re taking a new step this year and enrolling our two older children in a hybrid academy. This means while legally we are still homeschoolers, two days a week our kids will receive instruction in classroom. Mind you, this is far from a traditional classroom. There will be hours a day spent outside, field and nature study, and small class sizes. It feels like the best of both worlds.

But it also feels like an ending, and a beginning. The end of being on my own with my children’s education. The beginning to letting them go. It’s the first time I’ve introduced my child to a teacher, had to explain his or her issues and concerns. My son is ecstatic. My daughter more cautious and nervous. I’m a bit of both.

It also made me realize how homeschooling has allowed me to delay certain milestones until I was ready. But the time has come, and I think we’re ready.

I remember my own love of school, almost from the first. It waned at times as I grew older and the work load was more difficult, but it was an central part of me. I was a good student. I excelled. I check all the boxes and met all the expectations. My children are different. School is a sidebar on a full life of Legos, art projects and imaginary play. This new season will change that, and hopeful for the better without losing their precious, independent spirits.

Ultimately I want them to continue to love learning, and in the process, maybe I’ll learn more about myself as well.