When I look at my children I wonder. I see all that they could be. But as an adult it’s more difficult. I’m approaching the middle of my life, and suddenly I question whether I’m being all that I could be.

I was one of those kids that everyone expected a lot of. I knew that there was such potential for my life.

When I look at my life now, I can see all that I've accomplished. Or I can see all I COULD have accomplished. Perspective matters. Click To Tweet

One of my big fears is that somehow I’ll miss my calling in life, in part because I’m wiping someone else’s nose or bottom. But that line of thinking completely disregards all that I have achieved in my life. The things that can’t be quantified but are in fact some of the most important.

I could be a great writer someday. But if my longings and efforts toward that completely detract from the life that I have today, I have lost more than I can ever gain.

If in my frustration at my lack of accomplishment, of not living up to my seeming potential, it costs me my intimacy in relationship with those closest to me, I have sacrificed too much.

If we are alive, we are growing and changing, it’s inevitable. Just as my toddler will cease to be one very shortly, no matter how much I love the way he speaks and the feel of his chubby arms around my neck.  But I am able to release my love of this phase and embrace the next because I believe in all that he can and will be.

Why am I so different? I need to be able to look ahead and see more good days than are behind me. To believe that there is more for me to do yet. This life is not just a waiting room for heaven. We have good work to do here on earth. But we also have internal growing to do, people to love and life to cherish.

Don’t let potential rob you of your purpose. Purpose is not lost or gained based on what we measurably accomplish. I don’t know every facet of my purpose on this earth. But when I question it, I can go back to what I know for sure and embrace those things for a while until I find my bearings again.