I already worked through Fit2B Beginning and Fit2B Advancing before I started core rehab with the Tummy Team. Now that I’m done, I’m trying to work my way back slowly, so I’ve decided to do the Tummysafe Path to Great Abs in concert with the Amazing Arms pathway and Cardio.
The plan: To do cardio three days a week, then an arm exercise. On alternate days (which will likely be only two days) I’ve going to select another Fit2B workout from the Tummysafe Path, preferably one that incorporates weights, (like Balance) but it doesn’t have to be. Any days left (usually Saturdays and Sundays) I’m going to try and do something physically active, even if it means that I’m only working on the garden or around the house.
The point is to get moving.
Even though I’ve previously done Fit2B Beginning and Fit2B Advancing, I want to really start back the beginning to build a strong foundation, so I can maintain the core health I worked so hard for during my abdominal rehab with the Tummy Team.
I’ll be approaching all of these workouts, as though for the first time. This is the way I probably I should have approached all of this a year ago, but I didn’t really understand the process. I wanted to hurry up and get to something higher impact and lose some weight. But now I realize that many of these workouts can be deceptively easy, so I’m going to try and focus on quality rather than quantity of movement.
Last week I featured the Foundational Five. For the next two weeks I’ll be reviewing the workouts of the Tummy Safe Path and then the Amazing Arms Series.
So if you haven’t yet discovered Fit2B, check it out and feel free to join me.
Bringing Back Fit2B: An Update
What Are the Foundational Five?
Kelly Dean on Fit2B: A Tummy Team Collaboration
Fit2B on Vacation: A Week of Relaxation
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