The last year has been the strangest sensation of time standing still and then suddenly flying by. I keep thinking things will slow down so I catch my breath but I think if I want room for that, I’m going to have to make it happen.

Something Loved

After choreographing since February, we shared our dance project with the congregation last Sunday (and then again tomorrow at our other campus). This was the first time in 18 months that we’ve danced live and in person. It felt great! While I always get nervous when I’m performing, it was good to be live in front of people, to be part of leading them in worship, and to share our talents with the congregation for the glory of God. It is a long and challenging piece and I know most people won’t have any idea how many painstaking months of effort went into it, but I’m still pleased and honored to have the opportunity to share our hard work.

Something Read

As we finally finished up on homeschool evaluations, I’ve been able to finally get some reading done. I decided to revisit the Lady Bug Farm series.

I discovered The Rosie Project (recommended to me by a friend) and enjoyed the first (and to a somewhat lesser extent 2nd) installments.

I also finally completed my casual reading of My Family and Other Animals and am now beginning the slow progress through Birds, Beasts and Relatives by Gerald Durrell. I’m looking forward to reading even more in the coming weeks before it’s time to start planning for the next school year.

Something Treasured

This month we celebrated my first-born’s twelfth birthday. She wanted something thematic with dragons and I did my best to accommodate with my limited party planning skills. I figured soon she won’t even care about such things anyway, so I wanted to put the effort in while I have the chance.

She had a friend spend the night the day before the party and we watched Freaky Friday (both the original and the 2003 remake), which led to some great conversations about mothers and daughters.

She has grown up so much in the last year and yet in many ways (mostly all the best ones), she is still very much a kid. I see the struggle in her as she navigates these difficult years but I take comfort in the fact that so far, we still seem to have a good relationship.

Something Ahead

Shortly, we will be taking our first out-of-state trip in more than a year. We’ll see family and friends we haven’t seen in even longer. While traveling with my kiddos is always fraught with stress and difficulty (planning for meals on the go is a task unto itself), I’m looking forward to it.

As I look ahead to the fall and think about new and different possibilities, I’m cautiously excited. Personally and professionally, I’m looking forward to new challenges while also working towards long-term goals. I’m hoping to see increased physical and emotional health for my kids and even some character growth too. It all feels audacious right now, especially given all the dashed hopes of the last year. But I’m choosing to look forward anyway.