I think a lot about the birth of Jesus this time of year. Especially about what the phrase God with us really means. I documented some of those thoughts on Instagram earlier this week, when our pastor’s sermon reminded me that Jesus chose to be human not temporarily but forever. He may have a glorified human body in heaven, but he is still very much in a body.

The whole literal vs. the metaphorical can swirl around in my head until I am both overwhelmed by the mystery and frustrated by the mundanity of it all. But I keep coming back to one question as my year comes to a close.

"What is being born in me?" Click To Tweet

I have birthed three children and lost one before I got to hold her. There is something very unique about pregnancy and childbirth. No matter how much medical knowledge we achieve there is still something seemingly mystical about the process. The way the child makes him or herself known throughout the pregnancy, more movement and by the end the slow and painful emergence into the world.

Each of us is pregnant with potential and calling. Click To Tweet

It can feel as scary as a human gestation because the outcome is unknown. Like a child in utero, we can only imagine what it is God is calling us to. We can’t quite picture the face of our potential because so much of it is beyond our ability to comprehend or even imagine.

Just as Mary sang, my soul magnifies the Lord, we need to embrace the unique work given to each of us and trust that it is ultimately for God’s glory and not our own.

If this sounds trite, I promise you I don’t mean it to be so. It is something I fight for daily, and often lose. The labor is long and hard, but the product is beautiful.

My sister gave birth last week, so this prompt seems appropriate and also a little late. 🙂 You can read my musing on the beauty of childbirth at Christmas here.