It was hot, summer time, put in the A/C units and avoid sleeping too close to my husband kind of weather. He hates the heat, the summer months are like a perpetual male PMS with a heightened sense of irritation coloring all the interaction of our days. And it was only the first week of May.
Then as we were putting the kids to bed, the storm rolled in. Never was the sight of those clouds so welcome. I opened up the windows and let the cool air rush in. The downpour was short-lived, but just long enough to drop the temperature.
Sometimes the heat is not in the air but in my mind. The pressure is rising and my soul begins to bubble. It is too soon for this, the time isn’t right and this is not sustainable. When I see a storm on the horizon my first response is dread and the inevitable search for shelter. But not when it’s like this. When the heat is so strong it melts me from the inside out, I see that storm and I run out to meet it.
When the heat is so strong it melts me from the inside out, I see that storm and I run out to meet it. Click To TweetI know it will be torrential and I hope it won’t be long but I pray it will endure enough to clear the air, to bring down the temperature, blow away the clouds and leave behind a reminder of the maker of all things new.
There is no better cure for stagnancy than disturbance. Thanks be to the one whose holy disturbance breaks through the stuckness of our lives and hearts leaving us refreshed, if not also windblown, and ready to face the world anew.
This was inspired by the prompt Outside the Window: What’s the weather outside your window doing right now? If that’s not inspiring, what’s the weather like somewhere you wish you could be?

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