Sometimes you face the impossible and wonder how you’ll come out the other side.

Every thing I’ve tackled this week has a hit a wall of one kind or another. Most of the time I couldn’t find a solution or a work around. Both my physical and mental world are scattered with half done tasks waiting on something. The problem is, I don’t always know exactly what I’m waiting for.

It’s the big meeting that determines our financial future, that’s putting several other major actions on pause. It’s the phone call or the test results that pull the trigger on the next big thing. It’s waiting for that crucial email to let’s us know whether we can move forward.

I feel like a ship anchored in the ocean, waiting for the wind. Click To Tweet

I don’t know much about ships, but I’ve seen in movies and read in books is that sometimes the safest thing for a large vessel to do is to drop anchor while they wait out a storm. I feel another storm coming.

I’m not as afraid as I used to be. I recognize the signs now, and we’ve been through enough that I’m frankly too tired to fear. But the waiting is wearing me down. The clouds are gathering the slowly this time, and even though we’re prepared to batten down the hatches, the rain hasn’t fallen yet.

The feeling of being wound tight, ready to spring into action but now as time drags out, the constant tension wearies me.  I don’t see a way out of this one.

But I have to believe that when the lightning finally starts, we'll come through it. Perhaps not unscathed, but at least undefeated. Click To Tweet

So I stand on the deck and I look up at the North Star. Even if the storm shakes and stirs and turns the world on its head, I am anchored to the Rock and I only need to look north to find my way.