Two years ago my husband lost his job. We had some warning but it was still a huge blow. It had been the dream job, the job that paid more than we could ever have imagined. The job that was going to get us out of debt and finally become more financially secure.
Then last week, it happened again.
This time we had little warning. The reasons were vague. Everyone from the company acted like it was an amicable parting of the way.
So after feeling as though we’ve just recovered from the events of two years ago, here we are again. Without regular income. Still with student loan debt. This time during a major economic downturn and a global pandemic. Not a great time to be looking for work.
Even though our bank account may not show progress, I can see it in other ways. While it may feel like we’re back to where we were two years ago, we aren’t the same people we were then. We’ve survived major unemployment before. Our marriage has weathered the emotional and financial pressure. We know how to live lean, even with kids.
I have learned lessons that I certainly never wanted that are benefiting me now. This time around my husband is being the strong one, but we are both taking it a day at a time and trusting in the supernatural provision that has held us together before and we know will do so again.
Oh Bethany, I am stopping right now and praying for a good, good job for your husband. That God not only meets your needs but exceeds your need.
Take heart found lady. I have been in your position and was for a lot of years. God is so good. When C0VID hit I was temping and had taken a huge wage cut. But something has changed and with less money coming in we are there and you will be too. Cling to God’s promises he has this x fmf #7
You have great prospective, and I bet you didn’t have that two years ago! So, you already have made progress in that area. I pray God provides for you in every way.
Amie, FMF #15
Wow, that’s rough, and I’m so sorry. You seem to have an amazing attitude though. Prayers for favor and an open door of opportunity for your husband, and that the Lord will provide abundantly for all of your needs in the meanwhile.
P.S. I meant to add that I’m visiting from FMF #20.
I’m so sorry for this trial you are going through. My husband and I are going through extreme financial hardship as well right now and it certainly can feel devastating and impossible. But I woke up the other morning with renewed peace that only the Lord can provide. I have been reading Psalm 62 quite a bit. How wonderful to know we don’t trust in riches which are so fragile and not trustworthy, but we trust in the Lord who does not change like shifting shadows. He is steadfast, He is our rock. And He always knows what is best for us. If this financial hardship releases more of my reliance on the things of this earth and pushes me towards Him and gives me more of a focus on eternity then I will embrace it. He is so good, always!
I will be praying for you and your family during this time!
Annie FMF#17
oh I have so been there! Praying right now for you both!! Job loss is so scary and hard but it is certainly a place where our faith can be proved genuine. May the Lord show Himself to be your very trustworthy provider!
So sorry! Praying!