Photo Credit: johntrathome via Compfight cc
I’ve been seeing this theme a lot lately. (I’m not even counting Frozen and the various parodies.) Last week I talked about the importance of writing down your dreams. This week is the next important step. Write down your dreams and then let them go. Sometimes we only have to let go of our dreams for a time. Other times they just aren’t part of the future that God has for us.
Years ago I really wanted to teach writing. I was a writing tutor in college and wanted to do something similar afterwards. But I couldn’t find a job doing what I’d dreamed. I settled for whatever I could find so I could support my student husband as he had supported me. Now, more than ten years later I’ve been presented with the opportunity to teach creative writing to homeschooled teenagers via a local co-op. (My five year old daughter will be taking classes and they even have a toddler program for my son). I had all but given up hope that this was something I would do one day. Yet, almost completely out of the blue God has brought this new adventure into my life.
There are other dreams I have, still waiting in the wings. I try, desperately to leave them in pencil. I know that maybe God has a different plan. So much of my life hasn’t gone according to plan and yet I wouldn’t want to change it. How can I wish away the difficulties if it would mean giving up this life that I love? If I had things my way our life might have been easier but we wouldn’t have the children we do, nor would my husband have the job he loves.
I’m not going to get into a deep theological argument about the will of God. I don’t know why some things happen and others don’t. Is it because of the sinful world we live in, poor decisions made by fallible humans or sometimes both? I’m not going to discuss those questions right now. Because the why doesn’t always matter and even when it does, rarely can we fully understand it.
So as I look forward to the future, I try (operative word try here, I am still working towards this each day and hour) to hold my dreams loosely. My Father made me this creative, passionate person with so many ideas and goals. He knows me better than anyone, and knows what is best for me. Sometimes I just need to let go and trust.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28
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