
Photo Credit: WeGotKidz via Compfight cc

I guess this is a common theme for overwhelmed moms. Those of you following my 31 days to Clean series will remember that a few weeks ago I tackled the challenge to write down and do six things each day. Well, I don’t always do it. But it has helped me make a highest priority list each day. Sometimes it consists of tasks like laundry, or baking but other times it’s things like writing blog posts, working on my novel, or sending ministry emails. But there is one thing I appreciated most about Jamie’s challenge. She wanted to make sure that the family always come first.

She has three times on her list that repeat and three that vary. One of the regular repeating items is read to her kids. This reminded me that spending time with my kids is not just luxury, it’s a necessity. My daughter has been having some behavior and attitude issues lately. I’ve been at a loss for what to do. But I know that she does better when I give her some of my undivided attention each day. My son is the same way, plus he is so little it’s easy to accidentally overlook that he needs quality time too. He may not say much, but he still loves to sit in my lap to be read to, or have me play a simple game.

It’s so easy to forget why I do all this. My kids will only be little for this short time. Yes, there are things that must be done. Meals must be made so we all stay healthy. The house must be cleaned so we can better live in our home together and enjoy it and each other. But if in my zeal to get my house in order I forget who I’m doing it, I’ve missed the point.

So when I make my list of tomorrow’s tasks which will probably include, laundry, baking, dishes and blogging, I also want to make sure that one on one time with my kids makes the list. Not just makes it, but is at the top. They deserve to get my best, not what is left over. Because if I’m honest, the work will never really be done and I don’t want to miss out on them.

Mindset for Moms From Mundane to Marvelous Thinking in Just 30 days

How Do You Want to Change? Mindset for Moms

Talk Less: Mindset for Moms

Remember the Promise of the Seasons: Mindset for Moms

Want What You Have: Mindset for Moms

Fake It: Mindset For Moms

What Are You Expecting?: Mindset For Moms

Don’t Expect Kindness From Your Kids: Mindset for Moms

Learn to Think Like Your Child: Mindset For Moms

Move! Mindset for Moms

It’s OK to be Down: Mindset for Moms

Get a Grasp on Gratitude: Mindset For Moms

Find the Emotional Rest You Need: Mindset for Moms

What Are You Putting In Your Mind? : Mindset for Moms

Write it Down: Mindset for Moms

Let It Go: Mindset for Moms
