I’m definitely finding it a bit harder to keep up with the program this time. If you have the choice, starting it in the late second trimester might be a better choice than the mid-third like I’m doing. A lot more transverse squeeze and releases this week and longer transverse holds. But also stronger focus on multitasking, meaning adding these into things you are already doing in your life. (waiting in line, driving in the car, standing or sitting, etc). which in theory makes it easier to fit them all in.

Neutral Pelvis is so hard to find when pregnant. I felt like I had finally figured it out, at least most of the time, but pregnancy has made it so difficult to tell. When I have my pelvis in what normally feels like neutral I feel like I’m sticking my belly out (even if I’m engaging my core and trying to keep my ribs closed.) It feels like there just isn’t enough room, which of course there isn’t because my body isn’t meant to be like this all the time.

I really struggle finding ways to sit properly because I feel like I have to stick my belly out to be in proper pelvic alignment and unless my legs are pretty wide there isn’t room for my belly. (Let’s just say that sitting ladylike in a skirt has gotten very difficult.)

A few new stretches this week. The edge of bed hip flexor stretch (knee to chest, slowly lower other knee so it’s hanging down from bed) was especially helpful and definitely something new that I wasn’t already doing.

I’m still experiencing tons of upper back tightness. I have to be very careful not to shrug my shoulders up and I’m feeling lots of tightness under my shoulder blades. Sometimes single shoulder rolls or an arm across the chest stretch may help, but not always.

If you are Fit2B user, check out Align it Flat as a great way to help practice finding good alignment in various positions. You’ll also find that most of the suggested stretches for this week can be found in Kelly Dean’s Total Body Stretching and Kelly’s Pregnancy Stretching routines.

I wish more of the instructional videos this week addressed pregnancy specifically, especially the video on functional integration. Active sitting, standing and walking all change quite a bit.

This is the halfway point of the program and I’ll admit that it’s hard to feel stronger since my body is changing so fast. My abs are more stretched out and my belly keeps getting bigger. But I’m trying to remain as consistent as I can. When I’m tired, I try to do a few shoulder rolls and transverse squeeze or two, if nothing else. At least then, even in my fatigue, I’m reminding my body what it needs to do.


Tummy Team Prenatal Core Week 4: Pelvis the Floor of Your Core


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Photo Credit: Zygia via Compfight cc

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