Today’s Five Minute Friday prompt is: Willing How often I fight with or against of my will. I will myself…
I broke the cardinal rule of mothering, I woke a sleeping child. This morning I woke my son at 7:30…
Their little hands and feet, that pack a surprisingly large punch. The tiny socks and shirts that multiply to fill…
Photo Credit: soikkoratamo via Compfight cc My writing is like laundry. It is done in snatches, between naps and meals…
I don’t drink tea, or coffee either for that matter. But I like the idea of friends, especially busy moms,…
They see me. The real me. The one I wish I could hide behind a clean house (which it almost…
Years ago when a friend was going through a difficult time, I asked her how she was doing. She said,…
The first thing I thought of when I realized that today’s FMF theme was tree, was swaying. I’ve watched the…
The beauty of truth is that it doesn’t change. It’s the rock we cling to when the ground is moving…