It’s been one of those weeks where I only seem able to focus on all that I cannot do. I struggle to get up early, and often I can barely peel my eyes open wide enough to get the children breakfast, even before I’ve dressed myself. For the first time in years the creative ideas are flowing but I’m getting stalled on the editing and polishing phases.

This is good news for my novel but not so much for the unfinished blog posts that I can’t seem to wrap up in a way that feels satisfying. I find myself worrying that if I don’t consistently find my voice, that my ideas will die before they are born.

It's the worst kind of FOMO where I miss out on my chance to do the work I was destined for because I was sweeping crumbs off the kitchen floor and wiping someone else's bottom. Click To Tweet

It’s easy for me to forget again that I am seen. My Father has inclined his ear to me. He is not trying to trick me. My fate is not a cosmic brain teaser to be puzzled through, taken apart and put back together in the proper order or else.  If I continue to follow him, he will not let me wander from the path.

The frustrations and disappointments of this life are all part of the journey. I may not have a map, but I have an all knowing guide.

I cannot miss out on who I am supposed to be, because I was known even before I was conceived. All the work of my days was imagined in a mind far greater than mine. I can never become lost because I am found.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Isaiah 30:21