Yesterday there was a thick envelope in my mailbox. It was a card with a single line “Be Encouraged” with three gift cards to Aldi’s, enough for nearly a month’s worth of groceries.

Some people know my husband lost his job. A lot don’t. Of those who knew, many don’t know he is still out of work. It’s been a difficult time for both of us.

I don’t know whose generosity is going to feed my kids for the rest of this month (though based on the postmark it’s someone semi-local) But I am deeply grateful.

It can be hard to know when someone needs us. Some people are experts at looking like they have it all together. Someone recently told my sister that she seems like such a laid back mom. She nearly laughed out loud right there. My sister is many wonderful things as a parent, but laid back is not one of them. Sometimes we have no idea the impression we give.

Many women, myself included, struggle with asking for help. It’s embarrassing when you have to admit you can’t afford something you used to do regularly or that you don’t have the emotional wherewithal to manage a daily task that seems so easy for others.

I try to pray and discern when those around me could use an extra dose of encouragement. It might be as simple as a card in the mail, or a verbal affirmation. When I see a pregnant mom look especially lovely, I always try to tell her so. Because I remember feeling huge, uncomfortable and unattractive, especially toward the end. I’ve made dessert for friends (with strict orders not to share them with the kids)because I know how unrewarding every day mom work can be, and I wanted to treat them.

As you go about your day and your life, keep your eyes and ears open for those less obvious people who might need some extra kindness and generosity. As someone who recently experienced this, I can tell you, it makes a bigger difference than you can imagine.

Next – Without An Audience: Learning to Give in Secret