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Wow, Week 3 is done and I am feeling it. At 34 weeks, I’m definitely finding that I cannot be as active as I used to be. But I’m still going to keep active as much as possible.

Day 1

Mula Bandha, Pilates in Pajamas

I haven’t done Pilates in Pajamas since I’ve been so far along in this pregnancy. But it wasn’t so bad. I modified several of the movements and definitely did the simplest option for most of the sections. But I still felt like I was getting a workout and keeping my body moving.

Day 2

Totally Transverse II, Pilates in Pajamas II, Pregnancy Stretching

I found Pilates in Pajamas II to be a little more challenging, and I made limited use of the weights but still felt like this could be modified to do during pregnancy. Pregnancy Stretching is always a welcome addition. I have most of the stretches memorized now, so I can do them with or without the video.

Day 3

Basic Transverse & Mula Bandha, Tabata

I really like this as a maternity workout. The intervals make it easy to pause and catch my breath. Though I did shorten the workout slightly by not doing the last part on my back. But it was still a good routine. It is long, but I still think it’s worth the time and effort.

Day 4

Totally Transverse, Balanced, Simply Stretching

Balancing is really my favorite part of this workout. Yes, there are weights involved and I had to modify it in sections, but the best part is feeling how much I am still able to balance, even this far along.

I have to be so gentle doing Simply Stretching because of how tender so many of my muscles and joints are right now. But this workout contains a very significant stretch for me. The modified hurdler’s stretch is the only thing I’ve found that gently stretches my inner thigh and hip (as in where the ball and socket join together) which is where I have the majority of my pain especially at night. It’s a slow moving workout and it can be difficult to psyche myself up to do it sometimes but I’m always glad I did.

Day 5

Kelly Dean’s Total Body Workout

This workout continues to be one of the most well balanced ones on Fit2B. I definitely felt my tummy muscles were tired and my lower back was a little bit sore, but I got through it. Similar to Tabata, you can always take a break between sets or sections if you need to. At eight months pregnant I’m glad I can still even get through this one. I love that it incorporates everything I need, including stretches with no required equipment.

Day 6

Maternity III

While it does incorporate weights, this is still a very healthy pregnancy workout. Beth does include some stretching, but if you are like me and need lots of stretching, feel free to add a few of your own or do an additional stretching workout. Sometimes I had to do fewer reps than recommended with the weights and be very mindful of my stretched out core, but that’s OK. Better to do quality but simple movements than harder movements in poor alignment or with a compromised core.

I decided to only make this a six day workout schedule because I also took a few walks this week and I didn’t want to overtax myself with workouts on top of it. As I head into month eight of this pregnancy I’m going to be easing up a little bit on my schedule; fewer days, shorter workouts. But I don’t want to stop altogether because I want to have something left to actually deliver this baby with. Plus, hopefully that will make it easier to return to exercise after the baby is born. Next week I’ll be starting a series of reviews of all the workouts recommended on the Fit2B New Mama pathway, which is designed to be for pregnancy as well as postpartum. I hope you will join me.


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