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I ran for the first time in more than 10 years during the summer of 2013. I was joining in my church’s fitness initiative as part of our involvement in the Runner’s World Half Festival. Since we can’t really hold services on Sunday morning that weekend due to road closures for the race, we decided to volunteer to run a water station for race day and hold our services on Saturday night instead. We also organized groups of runners to train for the 5K and 10K races on Saturday morning. I decided to sign up for the 5K. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but in the end, I finished without having to stop and walk at all, which was my goal.

This year, I had planned to train for a 10K but I didn’t get started early enough. So I’m still doing the 5K training but trying to push myself just a little bit harder.

Let me first start out by saying you don’t have to run. That’s right not everyone has to run. Walking is great exercise and I highly recommend it. So if you don’t want to be a runner or have health reasons why you can’t, then don’t. It’s that easy. But if you want to follow my suggested Fit2B schedule just substitute walking instead. Try to increase your speed and length of walk as we go.

I am currently using a Couch to 10K plan from My Running Tips. So I am using their 5K program as a guide for this series. It is an incredibly useful site so please feel free to pop over and check out some of the other great articles.

I realize that most running programs recommend an entire rest day. I’m not doing that. However, I am going to substitute a stretching day for the rest day. Basically take a day during the week and do only a Fit2B stretching workout and perhaps a core workout. Nothing else. This is your body’s chance to recharge. Three days a week of walking or running is recommended. I currently run in the evenings but still do some kind of the Fit2B routine in the mornings. If this doesn’t work for you, then just run at whatever time of the day is convenient for you.

If you still have a diastasis, it’s probably better if you splint. I can run without splinting but I really have to focus on engaging my core and it is exhausting. Plus I am more likely to have compensation tension in my upper back. Splinting actually makes it easier. (You can check out the two splints I’ve used and recommend here and here). That being said, I haven’t figured out how to keep the splint from moving around. So if any more seasoned runners have tips, I’m open to hear them.

Here is the basic skeleton of our schedule:

3 running/walking days with or without a shortened Fit2B routine.

2 weight training days

1 long cardio

1 stretching day

Ideally every day should be a core day. So I’ll recommend basic core routines for all 7 days. No, you don’t have to do them every day, but it’s great for your core if you do.

That’s it. Seeing it on paper it doesn’t look so hard and it really isn’t, but consistency, like in so many other things is the key to success. Next week I’ll be highlighting the schedule for the first week. Until then, take a nice walk, do a few Fit2B routines and get ready to run.

 Fit2B Running: Week 1

Fit2B Running: Week 2 

Fit2B Running: Week 3

Fit2B Running: Week 4

Fit2B Running: Week 5

Fit2B Running: Week 6

Fit2B Running: Week 7

Fit2B Running: Week 8


Don’t forget to check out the new Fit2B e-course, Experts on Diastasis Recti.

Experts on Diastasis Recti Online Course 

Plus you can use the coupon code laundryblog to save 30% off a Fit2B Studio yearly membership