About nine months ago I felt like I needed to get some counseling. I had come through a very stressful…
There is a great deal of existential questioning going on at my house lately, from all quarters. I am learning…
I didn’t have big goals for my life. I don’t know if I was afraid to ask too much, convinced…
Some days I don’t want to let them in. When I awake to the shrieks and complaints before I’ve had…
Mostly I think my life is ordinary and boring. I’ve wiped a lot of noses, changed hundreds of diapers, done…
I grow weary of being the linchpin, the load bearing wall and the rudder. Some of this is just part…
I usually think of work as a synonym for hard or drudgery. But that isn’t really fair. Last Sunday our…
We’ve lived here six months and I’ve officially met most of the neighbors. If by met, you mean spoke to…