Prenatal Introduction

Last year I decided to do the Core Foundations program as a way to help strengthen my body in preparation for another pregnancy. I had debated trying the Prenatal Core Foundations Program but I’ve had a pretty rough pregnancy and couldn’t imagine having the time. But thanks to a surprise summer sale I decided to take the plunge.

Because I’ve done Core Foundations, I expect to find some of this information to be review, but I’m also looking forward to new pregnancy specific info.

I had between a 1.5 and 2 finger separation left after gaining a bit of weight since my core rehabilitation. I also have a small umbilical hernia that has become larger and more pronounced as my pregnancy has progressed. No doubt my diastasis recti has also gotten larger, but I stopped worrying about it.

One of the facts mentioned in the intro is that splinting is not necessary for all pregnant women. But I have found it to be very helpful for me. It helps encourage better alignment and support abdominal and groin muscles to help reduce pain and strain.

The intro to The Tummy Team prenatal program contains some great information. Much of it wasn’t new to me, but it was a good reminder nonetheless.

Core Strength and Pregnancy

Diastasis Recti

Anatomy of the Abdominals

The Transverse Abdominus

Emotional and Spiritual Considerations

Splinting in Pregnancy

Usually Kelly Dean recommends preparing to reduce your exercise schedule during abdominal rehab, especially if you are very active. I have already been reducing my activity by necessity, but I am going to maintain a certain level of exercise as a way of controlling my gestational diabetes. Fortunately my preferred exercise of choice is Fit2B Studio which is tummy safe and complements abdominal rehab well. (Kelly Dean even guest stars in many of my favorite work outs).

If you are considering trying out the Tummy Team to give you a healthier core during your pregnancy as well as postpartum, I hope you’ll follow along and read about my experience.


Tummy Team Prenatal Core Week 1: Awareness

Tummy Team Prenatal Core Week 2: Connection

Tummy Team Prenatal Core Week 3: Neutral Pelvis and Core Strength

Tummy Team Prenatal Core Week 4: Pelvis the Floor of Your Core

Tummy Team Prenatal Core Week 5: Your Core Strong Birth Plan

Tummy Team Prenatal Core Week 6: Postpartum Recovery

The Tummy Team

The Tummy Team Online Program


Photo courtesy of Twinkle Photo

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