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Welcome to my His Needs, Her Needs series where my husband, Rob, and I share our thoughts and reviews of…
Photo Credit: ecstaticist via Compfight cc I am notoriously self-critical, so when someone asks me how I want to change,…
This week’s prompt is Mess. Wow! What a great prompt for my life. The kitchen is full of bags waiting to…
This week’s focus is Connection. OK, so I’ll admit. I haven’t quit exercising entirely. But I am cutting back…
Photo Credit: yoshiko314 via Compfight cc This is the final week, that technically represents a week and a half. I…
A few weeks ago my husband and I had another long conversation about my mood and my attitude. He was…
Photo Credit: Koshyk via Compfight cc This week’s prompt is Friend It’s so easy for children to make friends. They are…
Kelly Dean clearly has a passion for education. While I already knew a lot of what she said because of…
Photo Credit: terriseesthings via Compfight cc I’m finally used to the habit of making a smoothie almost everyday. I’m beginning…
Photo Credit: MyTudut via Compfight cc So we officially have a new nighttime diaper solution. Our now two year old…
I am a pretty low maintenance person. My makeup routine during my high school years was minimal, unless I…
photo courtesy of Twinkle Photo I was recently able to share with my MOPS group some of my thoughts…
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the different names of God that appear in the Bible, especially the Hebrew…
It’s the end of the year. When holiday sales declare “You NEED this and if you don’t buy it now,…
I told myself this year would be different. I would be less stressed out and I’d engage more. But…
I spend money every day. You probably do too. Sometimes it’s boring things like rent, mortgage and utilities, or necessary…
My social media feed is full of it. Moms lamenting peeing their pants and the belly that just hangs and…